Will you join us?

Hello Friend,
On behalf of all the TASYLs, I extend to you an invitation to join us. We  would like very much to see your name on the membership list of The  Auto State Young Ladies.
The TASYLs organized in 1965. Our aim is to promote good fellowship and to  share our mutual interest in Amateur Radio. TASYLs is a non-profit  organization whose roster of full members is comprised of women  operators. The following tells you briefly about membership dues, etc  and will give you an idea of why you should become a member today.
We also welcome OMs and unlicensed women to join the TASYLs as associate members.
The TASYL Tattler, which comes to you four times a year as part of your membership, is the official publication of our organization. The Tattler is filled with YL and TASYL news and activities. Info on various YL nets is included periodically, and so is a list of members. A list of  our officers appears in each issue.
Since April 1, 1994, dues are $5.00 per year, payable at the beginning of  each fiscal year, (April 1) and shall be considered delinquent after 90 days. Dues money may be sent to us with your completed membership  application. Thereafter, dues may be paid at our annual meeting or sent to the secretary/treasurer at any time.
We would welcome your support. You would be an asset to the TASYLs and I  believe that you will enjoy your membership and subscription to the Tattler. So please use this link to the membership application form.
33, Linda,, AD8AR